Male Surgery

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Male Surgery - Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia or excessive development of breast tissue is a condition that occurs in about 40 to 60 percent of the male population, and can be a source of embarrassment, social inhibition, and reduced self-confidence; the cause is not always known but can be accentuated by factors such as medications (anabolic steroids, cimetidine, and spironolactone), obesity, and alcohol use.

If you think you have this condition, it is advisable to visit your trusted doctor to make sure that this characteristic of your body is not the result of a medical condition (liver or endocrine diseases), and that you are suitable for surgery. breast reduction, which will eliminate excess fat, tissue, resulting in a breast with a more masculine, firm appearance..


Breast reduction for men is a procedure that will significantly improve the appearance of the breast in cases where diets and exercise have been ineffective, these changes are permanent, totally drastic, and produce satisfaction in most men who experience them.

Questions and Answers

During the consultation, Dr. Jesus Chung will listen to the expectations and changes you want to achieve with the surgery, also explain the different options available, discuss the procedure in detail including its risks and limitations, as well as the type of anesthesia that will be used; Then, he will examine photographs of your chest, which will also serve as reference during and after the surgery. Make sure you ask all the questions you have about the procedure, and if you wish, you can request to see photographs of before and after other patients, as well as request references, as this will help you to know what to expect from the surgery and your surgeon. . Learning everything you can about your options, risks and benefits is the key to making the right decision.

Depending on the particular case, two techniques can be used that require a small incision of half a centimeter in the lower half of the nipples, however, one involves the removal of breast tissue located under the breast, and the second involves the liposuction of the chest wall; For those with more developed glandular tissue, the first option will be used, and for men who present prominence of fatty tissue, liposuction is the appropriate choice, because through a cannula the excess fat present in the area will be suctioned, obtaining excellent results.

The surgery takes about an hour and a half..

After the surgery, you will present temporary swelling and bruising, but this will quickly fade, finally, you are likely to have to wear a post-surgical garment for a few weeks, which will put pressure on the chest, and help a quick recovery.

The recovery time and the needs of gynecomastia surgery or breast reduction surgery for men vary according to the person, however most patients can resume mild activities after a few days, stronger activities should wait between two or three weeks, and exercise at least a month and a half.