Arms Surgery


Arm stretch or Brachioplasty

The brachioplasty or arm stretch surgery involves removing skin from the inside of the arms to give a better appearance to the contour of the same, eliminate excess skin and / or fat that make the arm look flaccid, as well as reduce its volume.

There are changes in a person's life that cause the arms to feel limp and drooping, such as loss of body weight, the passage of time or even for hereditary reasons. Although exercise can help improve the shape, it is unlikely to reduce excess skin.

Arm stretch surgery

In general, the surgery is carried out using general anesthesia, but in some cases local anesthesia with or without sedation can be used. Most of the time, this operation is ambulatory - that is, the patient is discharged on the same day - but sometimes it is necessary for the patient to stay in the hospital for overnight observation.

The thickness and shape of the incisions depend on two factors, one is the amount and area of the skin that you want to remove and another is the surgeon's criteria. The incisions are usually located on the inside of the arm and in some cases could reach the armpit or back.

Some patients in addition to removing excess skin, want to eliminate fat and this can be done at the same time with a liposuction. In the case of patients with less excess fat, the cuts may be smaller and only in the area of the armpit.

Fine sutures will be placed to close the incisions, these will be removed from 10 to 14 days.

Questions and answers

If a man or woman presents a considerable amount of sagging skin on the arms, his body weight is constant, he does not suffer from significant overweight and in general enjoys a good state of health without chronic diseases that could increase the possibility of risks in the surgery, this person is a good candidate for a brachioplasty. In optimal conditions an ideal candidate is the patient who does not smoke, who has a positive attitude and feasible objectives.

To start, on your first visit Dr. Jesus Chung will ask you a questionnaire to know everything you need about your general state of health and will also ask you what your objectives are and what you expect to obtain from the procedure.

It is very important that you tell the surgeon about any condition that you think is inherent in your health condition. Before the operation, the surgeon will ask for some preoperative exams and other laboratory studies, it is also probably necessary to take some medications and stop using others. If you smoke it will be necessary to suspend it and eliminate the use of aspirin or medicines that contain the active ingredient of aspirin.

The patient has to take into account that the decision to undergo a brachioplasty is only personal and that you are the only person who can decide if you will benefit from this surgery. You must carefully assess if this surgery meets your objectives and if the risks or complications involved are tolerable.

It is necessary that you put yourself in the hands of a qualified surgeon to reduce the risks of surgery and keep in mind that certain risks still exist. Some of the complications that may arise are, for example, bruises, edema (accumulation of fluid), unfavorable scars, infections, asymmetries and irregularities.

After the surgery is done, the doctor will place bandages and dressings to cover the incisions, which you can remove yourself to perform personal hygiene.

Although it occurs slightly, the pain can be treated with medications prescribed by your surgeon. Also, the doctor will inform you how to take care of the wounds and what you should do to heal properly and without problems. The sutures will be removed after two weeks and later you will be able to join your daily activities little by little. The inflammation will also disappear with the passing of days, but in some cases the results will be noticeable until two or three months later.